
Myth Do numbers comes back again?

FactNumber doesn’t come back again

  • Success rate of Lasik Laser procedure is more than 96-98%.
  • Selection of the patient for Laser procedure is most important.
  • Age of the patient has to be 18 and above.
  • Numbers of the patient should be stable for at least six months.
  • CYCLOPLEGIC REFRACTION (meaning- checking of numbers of the patient’s eyes by dilatation of the pupils) is a must.
  • Patient having progressive myopia may get back number.

Myth Will My Eyes be damaged after LASER Procedure?

Fact No…

  • -More than 9 million eyes are operated world over every year.
  • -Not a single eye is lost or damaged due to Lasik Laser procedure.
  • -It is a Very Safe Procedure in the Hands Of EXPERIENCED EYE SURGEON
  • Many LASIK surgeons & Doctors have under gone laser vision correction of their own eyes at our centre..

Myth Patient gets cataract after Lasik Laser procedure

Fact You never get cataract after Lasik Laser procedure

  • -Doctor might have missed or failed to inform patient about pre-existing cataract on FUNDUS EXAMINATION
  • -Patients with high myopia may get early cataract

Myth Will it be difficult to get my cataract operated after my Lasik Laser procedure.


  • Lasik Laser is conducted in CORNEAL STROMA Whereas Cataract is far behind
  • -There is no difficulty in operating Cataract in Patients who have undergone, Lasik Laser Procedure
  • -We have successfully performed Cataract surgery on more than 500 patients who had previously undergone Lasik Laser.

Myth Patient may get squint, ptosis or cancer after Lasik laser procedure

Fact Patient doesn’t get squint, ptosis or cancer after LASIK LASER procedure

  • -Doctor should inform the Patient about pre-existing squint /ptosis

Myth Patient cannot resume his/her work for long time after LASIK LASER

Fact patient regains normal vision within 12 hours after the procedure.

  • Patient can resume his/her duty from very next day.
  • He/She can read, write, watch TV, movie, work on computer, drive; lady can cook from very next day.

Myth Laser vision correction removes the Presbyopic glasses.(Reading glasses)

Fact No it cannot correct presbyopia

  • Presbyopia: the gradual loss of eye’s ability to focus actively on nearby objects usually becomes noticeable in your eyes by the age of 40 years.

Myth Laser vision surgery is all the same, so look for the best discounted price you can find!!!

Fact You only have one set of eyes, and your vision is too precious to compromise on quality just to gain a cheaper price

When you select a Lasik centre you should compare it in terms of the…
  • level of technology, we at Cure Spects Eye Care Laser (p) Ltd. Centre have the best technology in the World till Date. Experience of the surgeon, Dr. Amit Shah and his team is the most experienced team of doctors in this field in India. They have performed the highest no. of Laser vision corrections in the country and one of the highest in the world. Patient’s care, personalized patient care by our highly trained and experienced subordinate staff. Lifetime aftercare, we at CSLL provide all Laser patients with all necessary after care and remedial treatment for life, free of charge, until you are discharged with a satisfactory result. This does not cover the natural changes to the eye not connected to the Laser treatment.
  • The best laser centre offers QUALITY and PROMPT SERVICE rather than Price Alone.

Myth The laser really does all the work, so it does not matter which doctor you choose!!

Fact No amount of technology is superior to the insight ,skill and experience of your surgeon.

  • Your surgeon’s skill and experience is the most essential factor for the success of LASIK procedure
  • -We have the best team of doctors performing Lasik Laser procedures.

Myth All lasers are the same!!

Fact No, all Lasers are not Same. Each laser used in laser vision correction has its own strength.

  • Speed with which it corrects 1 D
  • US FDA certification for all procedures
  • Wave front treatment available or not
  • F – CAT, T – CAT and Q wave facility
  • Beam size with flying spotTissue consumption per diaptor correction
  • Active cyclotorsion programme
  • Active eye tracker system with the latency of 6-8 miliseconds , which is the fastest in the world.
  • Tissue saving program incorporated
  • Optical zones from 6- 8 mm pupil

Myth Is all Laser Lasik by Femtosecond laser/ Bladefree Opti Lasik better than conventional LASIK….???

Fact Femtosecond Laser has its own strength.

  • It gives consistent and thinner flaps leaving the maximum possible structural strength of the eye which ensures long term safety of the eye.
  • It gives opportunity of improving your vision to higher standards then is achievable with glasses or standard treatment
  • More and more patients achieve 20/20 or better vision with this technology.
  • There are less chances of free cap or button hole
  • -Flap created by FEMTOSECOND LASER has definite edge over conventional microkeratome blade. But at our centre we are able to give best results by both , due to our experience

Myth femtosecond laser corrects my number.


  • FEMTOSECOND LASER is only a flap making instrument, it does not correct the no. of the eyes at all.
  • Anyway number has to be corrected by Excimer laser beam, after creating the flap.

MythAll patients are eligible for Laser lasik correction.

Fact Not all patients visiting the laser centre can undergo laser vision correction.

  • -They have to become eligible for this by undergoing stringent eye examination.
If you Have Any Questions Call Us On 73790 17009 , 91618 77347